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Explain the Difference Between Mass and Weight

Information on "The Difference Between Mass and Weight". Some point are explained below about the difference between mass and weight to know more about it.


  • Mass can be defined as quantity of matter contained in the body.
  • Mass of the body cannot be changed with the change in the location or position , it remains constant at any time and any place.
  • Mass can never be zero
  • Mass is usually denoted my m or M


  • Weight can be considere as the measurement of the gravitational force acting on the object or the body.
  • We can say the weight is the force by which the earth attracts an object or the body towards its centre.
  • Weight is not constant , it keeps changes with the change in the location or position. Weight changed due to gravity.
  • Weight can be zero if no gravity is acting on it.
  • Weight W is denoted by : W = m * g where m means mass and g means gravity.

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The watermelon diet is one of many which are considered fad diets. They become extremely popular for a time because people maintain that they lost weight, and everyone wants to lose weight. But, let’s face it, none of us want to eat only watermelon for the rest of our lives and if you stick to this diet for a long period of time, you will lose your health rather than gain it.

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Balanced diet and its importance is given below:

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What are the Types of Friction ?

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Types of Friction are:

  1. Static Friction
  2. Kinetic Friction
  3. Rolling Friction
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