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Characteristics of Debentures

Check out Characteristics of Debentures discussed below. So let us find out some points on characteristics to know more about debentures. Check out related content on Advantages and Disadvantages of debentures.

Debentures Characteristics :

Debenture holders do not carry voting rights and debenture holders are considered as the creditors of the company.

The interest on debenture is to be paid at a fixed rate, and the rate of interest is decided during the annual general meeting of the company.

Debentures are secured and  repayable after a fixed period of time.

Debenture holders generally do not participate in the management of the company because they do not have any threat over existing control of the company.

Debenture are a part of borrowed fund capital as debentures holders are considered as the creditors of the company.

Debenture may be convertible.

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Features of Debentures

Check out Features of Debentures discussed below. So let us find out some information on features to know more about debentures.

Debenture Features :

The rates which is to be paid or payable on debentures is fixed.

Debenture may be convertible

No voting rights on debenture, holder does not have right to vote in a meeting.

Instrument of loan

Debentures can be redeemed after a fixed period of time.

Debenture holders can be considered as creditors of the company carrying a fixed rate of interest.

Advantages and disadvantages of Debentures

Check out Advantages and Disadvantages of Debentures discussed below. So let us find out some information  to know more about it. The debentures which are generally issued by the corporations, are promises to pay specific amount of principal or money at a specified time or date over the particular course of the loan tenure, during which time interest is paid at a fixed rate on decided dates.

Advantages of Debentures :

Debentures is used to provide long terms funds to the company when needed.