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Full Form of KPO - Full Form BPO

KPO - ( knowledge process Outsourcing).

Other full form in KPO are also searched.

Similate terms to KPO are also there.

So meaning similar to this type of term are also available on internet.

While BPO is one of the similar terms which means (Business process outsourcing). 


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Full Form of EMI

EMI - (Equated monthly installment).

Other full form in EMI are also searched world wide.

so let us find other meaning of the given terms.

So check it out other similar terms on this site. 

What is the Full Form of TTYL in chat?

TTYL : Full Form in Chat , its meaning and information is given below, so let us check out some details on full form of the given term TTYL which is used in chat.

The full form of TTYL in chat is Talk To You Later, It is an internet slang used during chatting and messaging. While chatting on facebook, whatsapp or twitter this term is used. At the end of chatting or discussion this term is often used by youngsters.

Also find out internet terms similar to TTYL used during chatting.

Full Form of PGA in Biology

PGAFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PGA which is used in Biology.

The full form of PGA in biology is Phosphoglyceric acid or 3-phosphoglycerate . The term PGA  is and intermediate in the calvin cycle of photosynthesis and also in the glycolysis process.

The anion is often termed as PGA when refering to the calvin cycle.

Other full form related to PGA are also available so check it out similar articles. 

Full Form of NPC Chromatography

Normal Phase Chromatography (NPC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of NPC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.

Full Form of TLC Chromatography

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of TLC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.

Full Form of GC Chromatography

Gas Chromatography (GC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of GC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.

Full Form of MBBS

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS).

Other full form in MBBS are also searched worldwide.

So let us find other meaning of the given terms. So check it out other similar terms on this website.

It (Degree) is awarded upon graduation from medical school in medicine and surgery by universities.

These are two different degrees ,  they are usually treated as one and both are awarded together known as MBBS.

Full Form of HPLC Chromatography

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of HPLC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.