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What is the Full Form of IQ?

IQ - Intelligence Quotient

IQ is the parameter or the score which is obtained from several tests and used to measure the intelligence of a person.

The parameters of IQ are different for different people under various conditons. For example the parameters for the student and the person appearing for the IAS exam are different.

For students, IQ is used to check whether student is fit for further education or not.

IQ is also used the measure the knowledge of a person applying for job to check whether he is fit for the job or not. 

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Process Validation parameters

Parameters of Process Validation for successful validation of any process are discussed here. Some of the key parameters in process validation are as follows, so let us check it out one by one.

The knowledge and the information about the product and the process is very necessary.

Understanding of the source of variation is required for successful process validation.

One must be aware about the impact of the variation on the process and ultimately on the products which is being manufactured.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education

Check out Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education discussed below. So let us find out some information on advantages and disadvantages to know more about technology in education.

Some of the Advantages of Technology in Education are :

Technology in Education enables students and teachers to learn and teach anytime and anywhere.

Technology helps or facilitates the updating of educational material

Technology allows interaction between students and teacher easily and effectively.