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What is the Full Form of JCB?

JCB - Joseph Cyril Bamford

JCB is an machine used for various purposes. It is used in agriculture, construction, military and other industry.

It is a british multinational company and  founded by  Joseph Cyril Bamford.

JCB cranes are widely used for various purposes.

It is one of the largest company of construction equipment creator

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What are the uses of LPG ?

Some of the uses of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) are as follows. So let us check it out some information on LPG to know more about LPG.

  1. LPG can be used as a fuel in motor vehicles.
  2. LPG can also be used as refrigerant.
  3. LPG is also used in agriculture purposes if various drying processes.
  4. In industry lpg is widely used for heating purposes.
  5. It is also used for domestic purposes for cooking food.

You might also like full form of LPG

What are the uses of FAX machine ?

Some of the points on the uses of fax machine are given below , So let us check it out full details to know more about FAX machine.

  1. Fax machine can be used to print various documents.
  2. The fax machine can also be used as a photocopier in as office.
  3. FAX machine is one of the fast and  effective way to send as well as receive documents in office compare to postal mail or other types delivery service.

You might also like the Full Form of FAX machine

Application and Importance of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture

Application and Importance of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture. They are used for many purposes among them in agriculture also this energy is used. It improves the shelf life of the foods which are processed. The electricity which can be generated with the help of nuclear energy can be used for agriculture. It also improves nutritional value of some of the crops. Disease resistance crops such as onions, tomatoes, rice etc can be produced with the help of nuclear energy. Through radiation it improves the production of rice.

What is a FAX machine ?

Fax machine is an instrument or a device which can be used to send the documents electronically over a telephone network. 

This fax machine can also be used to send as well as receive pictures or text over a telephone line.

FAX means facsimile , it is a copy of an image or a text which is printed on a full paper sent from one party to another  using telephone line.

Also check it out the full Form of FAX machine

Full Form of CNG and LPG

Let us check it out Full Form of CNG and LPG to know more about different source of energy. The abbreviation is given below.

  1. CNG :- Compressed Natural Gas
  2. LPG :- Liquefied Petroleum Gas 

CNG can be used as a fuel in place of gasoline (Petrol). LPG can be uses in motor vehicle, refrigeration, heating purpose, agriculture and for domestic purposes in cooking food.


BMW Full Form/acronym - BMW is automobile, engine & motorcycles manufacturing company in germany.

Founded in 1916.

BMW stands for Bavarian motor works and also called as Bayerische motoren Werke. 

The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry

You've already read about various topics related to Pharma Industry.Well, today I want to introduce you to the List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry.

There are lots of topics related to pharmacy which are available on the internet. We have studied a lot about various activities carried out daily in pharma industry so it is very important to know all the terms used in pharma.

Here is what you are goint learn in the List of Abreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry:


Full Form of QC. Someone asked me what is the full form of QC, So let us check it out full form of QC.


What is the full form of QC?

  • Answer:
  • Quality Control
Quality control is the term generally used in pharmaceutical or chemical industry . Similarly Quality Assurance (QA) is the another term which is used in pharma industry.


Full Form of QA. Someone asked me what is the full form of QA, So let us check it out full form of QA. Along with the other similar term which is used with the given term.


What is the full form of QA?

  • Answer:
  • Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is the term generally used in pharmaceutical or chemical industry . Similarly Quality Control (QC) is the another term which is used in pharma industry.

Full Form of MICR,GPRS

Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICE) is widely used in banking industry for clearance of cheques and other similar documents.(Other full form of MICR and meaning are also available) So check it out other articles related to the given term.

GPRS : General Packet Radio Service (Packet oriented mobile data service for mobile communication).

Full form of WWF in Biology

WWF : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term WWF which is used in Biology.

The full form of WWF in biology is WWF World Wide Fund.  It can be considered as one of the largest conservation all over the world.

WWF can also be considered as world wide fund for the nature.

Full Form of LPG

LPG : Full form can be defined in different ways which are listed below, so check it out different full form of term LPG.

The full form of LPG is Liquefied Petroleum Gas which can be used as a fuel in vehicles, heating appliances and cooking equipment.

LPG is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases and is used in cooking, Rural heating, Motor fuel and in Refrigeration.