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Homework Benefits, Purpose and Facts

Some points on benefits of homework, its purpose and facts are discussed below. Also check out its advantages and disadvantages to know more about homework.

Purpose and facts of Homework

  • Homework teaches about time management
  • It trains students to solve problems
  • Homework also givesn an opportunity to review class material.
  • Homework trains students to work independently
  • Students can learn new things while doing their homework
  • Homework deepens students' understanding of a subject matter
  • Student can prepare for their exams by doing regular homework

What are some advantages of homework ?

  • It helps students to engage with their studies
  • It helps teachers to track of progress due to homework given to students
  • Homework is one of the effective way to prepare for exams
  • It helps children to to develop study skills and time management skills. 

What are some disadvantages of homework?

  • Students gets bored sometimes by doing regular homework
  • Students do not bet more time for extra curricular activites due to homework. 
  • Students may feel anxiety and stressed if they do not complete their homework on time
  • Some students do not like to do homework on daily basis


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What is the Purpose of Homework ?

Some of the points on various purpose of Homework are given below. So let us find out importance of homework in order to know more about homework.

We have seen that teachers assign lots of assignments which consists of problem solving writing, or reading that students have to complete after class generally at home.

We can see that the main purpose of homework is to recall subjects which was taught in class and sometimes objective of homework is to get extra information which was not taught in classroom. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education

Check out Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education discussed below. So let us find out some information on advantages and disadvantages to know more about technology in education.

Some of the Advantages of Technology in Education are :

Technology in Education enables students and teachers to learn and teach anytime and anywhere.

Technology helps or facilitates the updating of educational material

Technology allows interaction between students and teacher easily and effectively.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Boarding School

Some of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Boarding School are listed below. So let us check it out some information on advantages and disadvantages to know more about boarding school. Boarding school provides education to students who live on the premises which is exaclty opposite of day school. Sending child to a boarding school is a big decision, so find out some pros and cons listed below.