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Medicinal Uses of Aloe Vera in Points

Check out Medicinal Uses of Aloe Vera in Points which are discussed below. So let us find out some points on Medicinal uses to know more about Aloe vera.

Medicinal uses of aloe vera are :

Aloe vera helps to reduce high blood pressure and also lowers high cholesterol.

It helps to protect the body from stress and prevents kidney stones.

Aloe Vera supports immune system and also stabilizes blood sugar level.

Aloe vera helps in cooling and repairing sunburn skin and it also hydrates the skin.

Aloe vera supports cardiovascular system, it reduces inflammation and alkalizes the body.

Aloe vera acts as a disinfectant, antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral.

Aloe vera is high in vitamins and minerals content.

Aloe vera provides relief from pain which is caused by arthritis.

Aloe vera also promots hair growth and delays aging process.

It is useful in treating skin ailments and dermatitis.

Aloe vera relieves symptoms of acid reflux.

Aloe vera gives relief from side effects of radiotherapy.

Aloe vera also helps to improve digestion.

Aloe vera is good for irritated or inflammed skin

Aloe vera is also used to heal skin wounds.

It also helps in speeding recovery time after surgery.

Aloe vera plants are also useful in treating insect bites, healing rashes, healing sores, healing herpes and healing fungus

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Medicinal Uses of Mint in Points

Check out Medicinal Uses of Mint in Points which are discussed below. So let us find out some points on Medicinal uses to know more about Mint. It is also know as pepperming.

Medicial Uses of Mint are :

Mint helps to promote digestion and also improves oral health.

Mint is an effective and quick remedy for nausea.

Mint helps to clear up congestion of throat, nose and lungs.

Mint is a natural stimulant and helps to give relief from depression and fatigue.

Mint also helps to prevent cancer.

Medicinal Uses of Amla Plants in Points

Check out Medicinal Uses of Amla plants in Points which are discussed below. So let us find out some points on Medicinal uses to know more about Amla Plants.

Medicinal Uses of Amla Plants are :

Amla Plants can be used to stimulate Appetite.

Amla plants can also be used for diarrhea, dysentry and hemorrhage.

Amla plants can be used as an antioxidants as it contains vitamin C and polyphenols

They are also good for heart , eyes and brain

Amla also improves immunity and gives physical strength

Medicinal Uses of Tulsi Plant in Points

Check out Medicinal Uses of Tulsi plant in Points which are discussed below. So let us find out some points on Medicinal uses to know more about Tulsi Plant.

Medicinal Uses of Tulsi Plant are :

Tulsi has ability to cure many types of fever because tulsi has very potent anti-bacterial, germicidal,antibiotic and fungicidal properties which are great for resolving fevers.

Tulsi plant is also helpful to enhance the immune power of the body.

Tulsi helps to maintain normal body temperature of the body.

Medicinal Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar

Check out Medicinal Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar discussed below. So let us find out some points on medicinal uses to know more about apple cider vinegar.

Medicinal uses of apple cider vinegar are :

Apple Cider Vinegar helps to reduce cholesterol and also used to lose weight.

Apple cider vinegar is used to strengthen immune system 

It helps to treat your skin after shaving

Apple cider vinegar is used to improve digestion and great for detoxification.

Apple cider vinegar is also helpful to relieve muscle soreness.

About Azadirachta Indica in Acne, Pimples and Skin disorder

The leaves of the neem tree (Azadirachta Indica) are very useful in skin diseases. They are applied externally on the skin. They are very effective in the treatment in various skin diseases such as acne and pimples. They are also used to treat small pox, chronic ulcers, swelling and wounds. The leaves when applied to the skin gives cooling effect on the skin. 

The ointment can be also prepared from the leaves of the neem which is used in diabetes treatment,also used in healing ulcers and wounds. The leaves plays an important role in the treatment of skin disease.

About Azadirachta Indica Brief Information of Neem

Azadirachta Indica is also known as Neem tree, Margosa tree , Nimtree, Indiac Lilac or Neem. Brief information of Neem (Azadirachta Indica ) is discussed here. It is found in various regions of India, Srilanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is widely used for medicinal purpose. Also used as an insecticide as well as for pesticide. Azadirachta Indica is an evergreen tree and the bark of the tree is rough, think and brown in colour. The taste of the neem leaves or neem oil is bitter..

Family: Meliaceae

Genus: Azadirachta 

Is Watermelon Good For You?

Why is watermelon good for you? What are the health benefits in adding watermelon in your regular diet? What are the essential vitamins and minerals you can find in this fruit? These are the questions we aim to answer in this short article. But before answering, let us have an overview of existing trends that provide the background to questions like these.