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Incineration is one of the waste management technique  and disposal method to treat waste materials. Combustion of waste in the presence of oxygen is carried out by thermal treatment process. The waste is then converted into water vapour, carbon dioxide and ash, with he help of incineration treatment the quantity of waste products or garbage can be reduced significantly.

There are many benefits, positives and pros of this incineration process but some drawbacks, cons, negative impacts and downside are equally present. Related Post on Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling

Metals Recycling

Recycling of metals such as copper, aluminium etc., is required to protect earth and environment. It also saves energy and natural resources. Along with benefits there are some drawbacks of recycling metals. 

Benefits of Recycling

Recycling is a process of waste management in which waste materials of plastic, paper, metal, aluminium, glass etc., are collected and are used to make new products. Recycling helps to protect the environment and saves energy and resources. 


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