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What are the Applications of Chromatography ?

Points on applications of Chromatography are listed below. Selection of the chromatographic method depends on the type of compound to be separated. It has different advantages and disadvantages which are taken into consideration for effective analysis.

  • Chromatographic techniques can be used for the separation of proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates
  • Chromatography is also used for the analysis of vitamins, drugs and hormones
  • It is helpful for both quantitative and qualitative analysis of complex mixture
  • It is also used for determination of molecular weight of proteins.
  • Used for sepatation of mixture of compounds
  • For purification process
  • Purification of pytochemical
  • Used for isolation of metabolites eg., small molecules
  • It purifies natural compounds
  • For process development
  • It is used to separate active component from plant material
  • Also used in extraction of herbal copounds
  • Used for monitoring air quality and water quality
  • Quality control in food industry
  • Used for testing trace contaminants in the environment
  • Analyzing pure samples for trace contaminants in pharmaceutical industry

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Advantages and disadvantages of Chromatography

Chromatography is simple method. Chromatography can be handled by single person.

Other advantages are, Chromatography is used to separate components from complex mixture.

Different types of chromatography equipment are available for separation of different compounds.

Some of them are Gas Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography, Solid Chromatography, High performance liquid Chromatography, Solid liquid Chromatography, Liquid liquid Chromatography, Thin layer Chromatography. This method gives accurate results.

Types of chromatography

There are various different types of chromatography which are used today in different industries and in day to day life.

Before going into detail let us check it out the definition of the chromatography.

The chromatogaphy is the separation of a component from of complex mixture of substance.

Types of component, functional group or structure can be identified with the help of chromatography.

List of some of the equipment are as follows:

Gas chromatography

Liquid chromatography

Solid chromatography

Liquid-liquid chromatography

Disadvantages & Advantages of an TLC

Some Disadvantages & Advantages of an TLC.

In Thin layer Chromatography also called (TLC) is widely used method for the separation and detection of an molecule from a given mixture of compounds.

This method is used for the separation of non volatile compounds.

This is generally performed on the thin sheet of aluminum or thin sheet of glass or plastic.

This sheet are coated with different media, commonly used are silica gel, cellulose etc.

The sample is applied on this plate and it is called stationary phase.